Saturday, March 01, 2008

Layout and Things to Come

As my regular readers (not that I really believe I have that many) have probably noticed, I've done some tweaking to the layouts of both the MySpace and Blogger versions of my blog, beginning with the title. I also maintain (sort of) a website called "Carlisle's Chaotic Corner" and so changed the title of my blogs so that there was uniformity, a theme if you will, to my online presence.

For the MySpace folks, I dropped the background image to make the page more viewable and load faster, changed the font to Arial, moved the sidebar to the right (to make it more resemble the Blogger layout) and also changed up the color scheme for the links (also, to make it resemble the Blogger color scheme).

For Blogger, I removed the stupid "My Color is Blue" banner from the sidebar since it was to wide and added the "News & Information" gadget courtesy of Google Reader. I tried to add the Google Reader gadget to my MySpace profile, but Tom says that Java Scripting is a no, no, so sorry to all my MySpace readers; I guess you'll just have to check out the Blogger version of my blog to see it.

As for things to come, my good buddy Jimmy "The Deez" Calhoun, who is the owner of Jabberwocky Asylum has endeavored to write a blog a day (except Sunday). This has inspired me to attempt something similar, although I am going to attempt to post once a week to start with and see how it goes. So, like Jimmy asked for on his blog, I need some topics and ideas to spark my right brain hemisphere into flowing the creative juices.

Until next time,
~ JC

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